American Vandal

TV show

This show is a mockumentery. It is kind of vulgar but hilarious. It's about a prank that is actually very costly. Someone at this high school spray paints "dicks" on a whole bunch of teacher's cars. They blindly accused this known prankster because he was the easy choice. So some of his classmates decide to clear his name through a documentary like Serial. It is 8 episodes of them talking to fake high school students about this fake prank.

The best part is when they investigate if the star witness is really a liar. One of the teachers find someone who saw the prankster in action so they bring him to the school board to tell his story. But it turns out that this kid is just a story teller. They question 2 of the rumors that he has spread about himself and prove them both false. But that isn't enough.

In the end they try to prove that Dylan (the accused) was at his girlfriend's house during the drawing which they do but it ends up breaking them up. They try to figure out who else could have done it but she won't talk...

Apart from the swearing, this show is one of the funniest shows I have seen. If you can handle some F bombs, I would suggest watching this show.


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