Hollywood and Crime

Hollywood and Crime


I was going to wait until I finished the TV show that I'm watching to start this blog, but then I decided to listen to a newish podcast at work today. I say newish because this podcast had released a series of episodes about Charles Manson and since he died last year it was fresh on everyone's minds and therefore popular. I had also watched Aquarius with David Duchovny and King Renly (GOT) which is also about Charles. But Young Charlie is season 2 of this podcast so I chose to listen to season 1 today.

The Black Dahlia is one of the most famous unsolved murders in history. Elizabeth Short was a 22 year old girl who moved to LA from Massachusetts when she was 18. She didn't work a lot and instead let men pay for her rent and clothes. She was found brutally murdered in 1947. Turns out that she was one of dozens similar killings in the same year. About half of these murders were solved but there is still suspicion that those accused are innocent because 1 killer was  to blame. 

I listened to almost a whole season in a day. That is more than 10 hours of this podcast! But it explained so much that I had never heard before. I have listened to a ton of podcasts about Elizabeth Short but had never heard of Georgette Bauerdorf, Jeanne French, Evelyn Winters,and Mae Preston. This was during WWII when Hollywood was the dream, the age we look at now when we think "Old Hollywood." Many of these women lived medium risk lifestyles were they 'dated' a lot and weren't necessarily honest all the time which led the police to have long lists of possible suspects. But in my personal opinion if the police can't find any way that any of the victims knew each other they probably didn't all know the killer. My theory is that this guy if it is one guy, he charmed the victims the night of the attack more like Ted Bundy.

Anyway I don't want to go into too many details 1) because the details are very dark and 2) because I just want to make you want to listen to this podcast and you won't listen if I tell you everything and 3) I don't have time and energy to write 10 hours of someone else's material. Anyway, this is the stuff that I think but can't talk to my husband about because he gets sick of listening and its football playoffs...


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