Bachelor Winter Games

TV Show

Ashley Iaconetti has a boyfriend! And he looks like Mark Wahlberg! And loves Tom Brady! If its not meant to be then nothing in my life makes sense. But for real I think that this was the perfect show for the Bachelor franchise. I have often said I don't really like the Bachelor and Bachelorette shows but I watch them to get to know the people who will be on Bachelor in Paradise because it seems like more fun. On the spin-offs we get to see the actual friendships that were formed in the Bachelor mansion and on the show. This is the best of that because there wasn't weird people coming and going all the time. Don't get me wrong, people left but it wasn't so obnoxious.

Claire is back too! She is so pretty and nice and found some hot men to play with, even if one of them did remind me of Juan Pablo... But she didn't end up with him either so its ok. I loved the people from Australia and New Zealand! I love accents... especially Australian and Ireland... And Luke Pell made out with both Swedish girls? And then really screwed it up and had absolutely nothing to say for himself. I was sure that he had a good reason but he didn't give one and has yet to say anything except "yeah" I was sad that Erik didn't last longer.

I also cried like crazy when Ben left and made Yuki cry and then Yuki left. Everybody loves Yuki and I know that Ben was probably the nicest person in the house. But it turns out that people didn't think Ben put himself out there. Rumor has it that at least 2 girls in the house expressed interest but he wasn't ready.

So there are now 4 couples from the show but I'm not going to tell you who they are in case you haven't seen it.


  1. Update- Courtney and Lily are the only ones who are still together. Kevin and Ashley broke up after 3 months but are still friends. Benoit and Claire broke off their engagement around the same time that Dean broke up with Leslie. But from what I read Lily and Courtney are still together and happy.


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