Modern Love Stories - Daisy Prescott


I have this habit of going on iBooks and just searching for free books that catch my eye. Most of the ones that catch my eye are cheesy YA books, and I know they are full of cheesy romantic gestures that don't happen in real life (thank goodness.) The latest of these that I found turned out to be a prequel to another book that I've never heard of but the intro said it could be read as a stand alone so I did just that. Except like I always do I get caught up in series' and I had to read the next book and the next book. The problem is that the next books are never free...

This book is called We Were Here and it is about a group of 7 college students from the early 90's that meet and become best friends freshman year and were practically inseparable for the next 4 years. It also has songs to listen to for every chapter. I love that part the most, if I ever wrote a book about myself I would steal this. The story starts with Maggie (the over thinker) telling about their freshman year and meeting everyone. Then Selah (the rebel) takes over and talks about second semester of freshman year. Ben (the rich preppy) talks about first semester of sophomore year and the future Mrs Ben, Jo (the too pretty to be this smart girl) finishes sophomore year. Gil (the nerdy wanna be rockstar) talks about the summer before their junior year and the most interesting love story... (see next book.) Then Lizzie (the adventurer) tells of her and Maggie's year abroad in France. Quinn (the self proclaimed "gay glue") wraps it all up with senior year and the end of an era. Now yes while each of these people tell their own stories they also tell everyone else's too so it wraps up nicely except that the promised love story falls through!

Then I read Geoducks are for Lovers which starts just before their 20 year college reunion! Which means they are all over 40 and it was a weird transition to go from 18 to 40... Also the Geoduck is a real thing and their school mascot so that is why the book is called that. Look it up... not a pretty animal. This book is basically the whole group getting together for a weekend 2 months before the actual reunion. They are all doing what they want to do and are happy living their lives. Quinn is a newlywed living in New York where he has been since graduating. Ben and Jo are married with 3 teenagers living in Connecticut. Selah and Gil are both teaching in Portland and Maggie is writing for blogs and online magazines so she lives alone on an island off Washington. They kind of pass by that Lizzie dies of ovarian cancer... I don't like that part. I wish I knew more about her before she died because I hope she was happy. But they all come together on Maggie's island and have the best weekend ever and then the story ends at the reunion.

There are 2 more books published but I have become so accustomed to the whole group and I don't think the whole group are around as much because these books are about Maggie's island neighbor's love life and Selah's love life respectively. I'm sure they're great but I like Maggie, Gil and Lizzie most and their stories are finished. I'll get around to the others sometime but I'm not in a hurry.


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