
TV show

I started watching Nikita when it was first on because of Shane West but I was in college and couldn't keep up. I probably only watched 3 episodes but I knew as soon as I saw it on Netflix I had to watch the whole thing. Shane West did not disappoint either, I even had my husband go as Michael to my Nikita for Halloween last year. I watched the season so fast because I thought about it even when I wasn't watching. I wanted to be Nikita! Not the spy Nikita, just the loyalty that she shows to her friends.

I loved the first season because it was all about beating the bad guy (who is also the worst, ok the second worst from Walking Dead.) Percy had practically taken over the US government and then used it to make money from other countries and companies and making Percy more money. But I didn't like the second season because it just felt like everyone was lost.

But the second season was them finding their way and the last 2 seasons were so intense and so full of friendship that was more like family which will always make me love a show. I think I have lived my life to find a group where they are my family, and I have found so many good friend groups but most of them fade away which is life. Currently I have one that is very close and I love most of them as siblings. But irregardless, I have always and will always love that dynamic in tv, movies, and books. So to have Nikita, Alex, Michael, Birkhoff, Sean, Fletcher, and Sonja and even Owen/Sam all literally risking their lives for each other made the show for me. I support that kind of relationship all the time.

So with that I will just say that I recommend this show not only for the intense action but also the great relationships.


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