Pride and Prejudice and Zombies


The movie does not follow the book but that is because they had to cut for timing reasons. The book very much follows the original Pride and Prejudice but the movie cut out the whole part about Charlotte after she marries Mr Collins and when Jane and Lizzy travel with their aunts and uncles. Don't get me wrong the movie is probably better than the book because the book is predictable.

The whole Darcy-Lizzy relationship happens so fast in the movie and they barely fight at all. They spend the movie rescuing each other. Bingley doesn't know how to fight at his ball but at the end he is in-charge of the military when Darcy runs off to save Lydia. Lady Catherine is played by Lena Headey of Game of Thrones, so obviously she's a bad-ass! But she also agrees to take in the Bennets during the fall of London... That doesn't seem like her. And weirdest of all Mr Wickham asks Lizzie to run away with him and when she refuses him, he decides to get the zombies all riled up and ready to fight and he kidnaps Lydia and puts her in a cell to lure Darcy to him. Don't worry though, he dies and Lydia escapes.

There is also a lot of kissing in this movie. I mean I guess it happens after the weddings but still I don't remember Kierra Knightly kissing her Darcy at all. I did like the movie though. It was just just cheesy enough to work.


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