
TV show

I started watching this show because Lauren Graham (Sarah Braverman) is probably my favorite person on TV ever. She plays mom so good! I'll write about Gilmore Girls some time soon, and about her books but I have only read one of them so far. But with her you have so many fantastic personalities. Monica Potter (Christina Braverman) is in one of my favorite movies that no one has ever heard of Head over Heels. Peter Krause (Adam Braverman) has been in a lot of TV shows in his life and he always does amazing too. Dax Shepard (Crosby Braverman) is hilarious and I have started listening to his podcast now too. Craig T. Nelson (Zeek Braverman) is an icon! Not only is he Mr. Incredible, Coach and Ryan Reynolds's dad; he's also been working since the early 70s. I'm not going to lie though Erika Christensen (Julia Braverman) freaked me out in Swimfan so I was a little nervous about her but I liked her in this. I love Camila Braverman but I have never seen her in anything but she is in a bunch of Die Hard movies so she must be as amazing in those as she is in this. I'm not going to name all the kids by name but they were all perfect in my book too. Along with the guest stars I am comfortable saying this might be the best cast show on TV.

Now that I've mentioned all the players let me tell you about the plot/story line and all the feels that this show gave me. The writers have tried to make this show as realistic as possible. There is death, life, sickness, health, strangers becoming family, awkward family dinners, and fights. These people made me feel like family. Towards the end I cried whenever they cried! For real my husband would look at me whenever anything happened and laugh at me (he's heartless.) They did one of those wrap ups where so much happens the last season and then they fast forward a year and everything is solved and it was nice to see everyone happy but I want to know how they got happy so I think they could have gone another couple seasons but I understand that shows can't go on forever. In fact this is one of the few shows that I've watched that I didn't ever want to stop watching. I look at shows like Grey's Anatomy where there are whole seasons that I am on the fence about and I am relieved that Parenthood never did that.

To quote Batman, "you either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain."


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