Gilmore Girls

TV Show

In honor of June 3rd, I've decided that I needed a throwback post.

I started watching Gilmore Girls when I convinced my mom to buy me the first 3 seasons on DVD for Christmas. I think they were on the 5th season by then... But I didn't care. I think I watched all  of them before I went back to school. I'm also not sure how I watched the rest since I didn't have DVR and I didn't wait until the DVDs came out... Maybe I just made sure I was home all of the time.

What makes this show as good as it is, is the writing. I've seen Lauren Graham on other things and I've seen Alexis Bledel on other things and they are not the same. Lorelai is my hero because she was constantly being herself. I know it is impossible to know all of the references that they talk about and that makes a lot of people not like the show but I love it. I think of it as a game! And like other games you fall for the players! The relationships are come of my favorite that I've ever seen on any TV show.

There are so many fantastic actors who have been on the show and gone on to be big stars. I love most of the people and I cried when Ed Herrmann died in real life because it was like he was my own grandpa. Milo Ventimiglia has somehow gotten more attractive and is acting as a father! It's so cute!

Anyway, after all of this time, Gilmore Girls is still my favorite show! I got too excited when Netflix started streaming it and then later when they did the revamp last year. I love them all and you more than likely will too.


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