Girls Night with Stephanie May Wilson


Stephanie is a christian author and blogger who also runs what she calls small groups. I don't know what they are but it sounds like some kind of bible study. I haven't really looked into the blog but the podcast was exactly what I needed when I found it. She talks to a friend of hers who also runs blogs and stuff like that. My favorite guest of hers has been Kailey Dickerson wife of country singer Russell Dickerson.

Stephanie talks about a lot of topics from maintaining relationships and keeping faith when everything blows up. I was starting to forget who I was when I started listening and I'm not saying she's said anything that was life shattering but just listening to her talking about her journey made me realize that I have to get back on the right path. I wasn't lost, I just wasn't moving anywhere and Stephanie helped me see where I was going.

So that being said this podcast is for christian girls who want to follow the path that God has laid out for us. Probably no one else would like it... but I fall in the group that needs it.


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