Solo: A Star Wars Story


This movie is the back story of Han Solo. I think this is straight up my favorite Star Wars movie. I along with many people think that Han Solo is one of the best characters in Cinema and although I think this story was written after all the others, it makes so much sense. Donald was perfect but Alden could have been better... I don't know though because Harrison Ford is iconic. I can't think think of any actor that could be him.

I didn't like the love story in it because we know who Han ends up with but when Han and Chewy meet I almost cried! It was so beautiful! I loved that there were twists that I couldn't predict. Also Emilia Clarke, Paul Bettany and Woody Harrelson really added to the story and played their parts perfectly.

I normally see Star Wars movies on opening night and I waited 3 whole days to watch this one but it was the first movie I've been to since the last Star Wars... So far these days I only go to Star Wars and Harry Potter because I hate being surrounded by crowds but this movie was so worth it! Everyone should see it even if they don't like Star Wars, this movie holds up!


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