Hobbies- Fitness

I'm trying something new because we should always be growing an learning. So I decided I'm going to try to do something like this once a month about. This month is fitness because it just kind of happened.

So I decided that I was going to do a 2 week challenge that I found on pinterest. It was 5 moves to reduce inner thigh fat. They were pretty easy moves but I needed something that I knew I could do every day. The day I started my friend Steph, also challenged me to a 10 day pilates challenge. Pilates didn't start until Monday though and I started the leg challenge on Friday. But I decided I could do both.

So Friday morning and evening I did the leg thing. Then again Saturday and Sunday mornings and after that I did pilates in the morning and leg challenge at night every day. Ok I missed one morning but so I was 1 day behind the last 3 days. But I finished Pilates on Thursday and finished legs on Friday.

I would like to say that it made my day go better, but I didn't feel more motivated or anything like that. I was still tired all day but it made me feel like I was doing something productive. I also think it did make me slightly skinnier and that is always a good thing right? I know I need to work out more but I am so lazy! I love pilates though! Every work out was fantastic and worked.


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