

Lucy Hale, Austin Butler, and a cast of other people who I barely know or don't know; tell a story of high school and graduating and moving on after high school. Lucy is fantastic and I love her crew in school, they seem very real. Kathryn Prescott plays Chloe and is amazing, apart from the smoking and drinking and tragedy, she is me in high school. And she is British! I didn't know that until I looked her up, she's such a good actor. Lucy Hale is one of my favorite people on TV but she is really trying to show that she isn't afraid to be something different. SPOILER ALERT she shows her boobs! I was shocked because Lucy is so innocent and sweet. I haven't seen Truth or Dare yet but it seems pretty dark for her too. With that being said, her acting is on point and I love her. Austin Butler plays a few weird characters and he's been dating Vanessa Hudgens for a long time. And the kid that plays the same character as Dwayne Johnson in Jumanji is in it. He's also very good.

There isn't a real good plot line... Best Friend's brother who is also a slight love interest dies and the crew has to try to move on while remembering him and embracing his memory. Then they graduate and everything seems to work out with college plans. I don't really see the point but I don't need to see the point to like the movie, which I did! I really liked it.

In true Netflix fashion, it swears and shows "inappropriate things" but I am able to look passed that and enjoy the movie as is. I plan to watch this movie over and over again and I think, if you can ignore the swearing and the boobs then you will like this movie too.


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