In Conclusion, Don't Worry About It

Book- Lauren Graham

I love Lorelai Gilmore! In my opinion, she carried Gilmore Girls. There were a lot of fantastic side characters that I will watch in everything they ever do again. Alexis Bledel is just one of those characters... I like her and I respect her as a person, but Rory isn't a practical character. Anyway, this isn't about Gilmore Girls! This is about the main character and how she went on to become a bigger and more successful person. She went on to costar in Parenthood where she was just in the ensemble but was still the best. There she wrote 2 books, I liked one, I haven't finished the first one yet... But I started it... Its fiction and I like knowing about her more so I stopped reading it so I  could read this one.

Everyone should read this book! It is 85 pages, I finished it on my lunch break in one day. I guess it was wrote as a commencement address that she gave for her old high school. She gave the speech then went on to expand it and publish it. It is all about how noone else knows what to do either. This life is just about being ourselves and not worrying about everyone else is doing or thinking.

Lauren writes about her life to show that she just had to keep going, and eventually she was right where she wanted to be. There were times when she was discouraged but then she remembered that someone else was watching her for inspiration. She learned that everyone can be inspiring.


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