Ocean's 8


Ocean's 11 was one of my favorite movies for the longest time because of the stars. I didn't appreciate 12 and I don't even remember 13 at all. But this one had all of the charm of the original. With Sandra Bullock, Mindy Kaling, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hatheway, Sarah Paulson, Rihanna, and Helena Bonham Carter are all big characters. And I'm glad there was a twist that actually made the con more acceptable. I wasn't sold on it until the end.

The con was brilliant and culturally relevant! Jewelry! Diamonds! "girls best friends." And the crew is all girl power and strength. And as a nation, we are trying to push women and our power. I'm all for it, especially when portrayed like this.

Also Awkwafina is amazing! She is also in Dude but other than that, I've never seen her in anything. Although she is in Crazy Rich Asians, I haven't seen it yet. And James Corden is the best, I love him in anything. I wish I could say more but I don't want to spoil the story. It is only a story because the con has so many twists and turns and I am not going to tell you any of them!


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