Outlaw King

Movie- Netflix

Chris Pine plays Robert the Bruce, in this adaption of a true historical story. It is kind of like another version of Braveheart. I don't think that William Wallace is in this part of the story. Robert Bruce was appointed to a "guardian of Scotland" with John Comyn until he wasn't getting a long with him anymore and left. A few years later when Robert the Bruce Sr. died and passed the family powers on to our Robert. It was then that Robert started noticing the discourse in England, and the way the people were sick of being ruled by Edward I of England. Robert crowned himself with the approval of other Scottish families to be King of Scotland in 1306. He went on to wage "guerrilla style" war 1 house at a time. In 1318 Robert took the last English settlement and demanded that Edward II give Scotland their independence. Edward refused but joke is on him because 2 years later, Pope John XXII gave Scotland their independence and named Robert Bruce monarch of Scotland.

I know that was a lot of history and that is usually not what I like to talk about it but I don't usually talk about historical fiction. I even went into stuff that happened after the movie ended but I like to know if the missions from the movies are successful or if the movie ends and then they go right back to where they were. Example: Les Miserables (although totally fiction) was based on things that were happening just not exactly how it happened. But I always wondered how long the French Revolution lasted after all of Marius' friends died. In Outlaw King, it seems that things kept going the same way as the movie portrayed until Robert Bruce is made King.

This movie is largely Scottish and English so Chris Pine and Stannis Baratheon are the only ones that I really knew of in this movie. But everyone did amazing and I was enthralled in this movie in a way that I am not usually into with historical movies. I usually prefer teen romances... But this is Netflix and every show that comes out on Netflix will be talked about. So watch it so that you can talk to your friends about it.


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