The Stranger Beside Me

Book- Ann Rule

This book is about Ted Bundy. Ann Rule first met Ted Bundy while he was a college student at University of Washington and even though she was an older woman with a family they became work friends. Ted met her kids, she met his girlfriends. They were close. So she has a pretty unique take in this book. I read this book on and off for about a year. It's 800 pages and a lot of details. I read pretty solidly until he got arrested in Florida. At that point I was barely halfway through it and I couldn't believe that I still had that much to read. I figured it was all court stuff left and I was right except Ann still talked a lot about Ted as a person. and she gave updates. The original book was released in 1980 so she had to keep republishing it when he got a stay of execution and then when he was finally executed. I believe the copy I read was published in 2012. So I would say that this is a very popular book.

According to Ted, his first kill was in 1974 and he killed all over Washington and I think 1 in Oregon. Then moved to Salt Lake City, Utah (my hometown) and kept killing and kidnapping. He was very smart in that he didn't just kill in his neighborhood, instead he would drive a lot to Idaho and Colorado to keep the cases separate. He was also arrested for the first time in Salt Lake. He escaped when in Colorado custody and went on a killing spree in Florida where has was caught again and eventually (a decade later) put to death. He still is infamous and probably brilliant until the end. They are still making movies about him. There is a Zac Efron movie coming out this year or next.

This was a slow read but gave so much information. I think I'm going to have to listen to the next crime book that I "read" it goes faster that way. I really appreciate the information in this book but the detail was hard to remember by the end of the story. But I am glad I did read it.


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