Up and Vanished

Podcast- Payne Lindsey

Season 1 was about Tara Grimstad, a high school teacher who went missing in 2005 from a small town in Georgia. Police investigated but never solved the case. Payne is also from Georgia and his grandma knew all about Tara. When he graduated from college he wanted to make a documentary but decided that a podcast had a lot of potential and was way cheaper. It ended up being a huge hit with a twist at the end! I'm not going to lie, it was very long and I listened to way to much at one time. Also they had a lot of extra episodes because a lot of information was coming in. It was one of those things where people talked a lot about the disappearance at first but then when he brought it up again after all these years, it got people talking again and a lot came from it. In fact last I heard, there were 2 people in prison for Tara's murder!

Season 2 was about Kristal Anne Reisinger, a free spirited musician from Arizona that moved to Colorado to live with her aunt as a teenager. That was just the beginning of a hard life full of moves and changes but with all the drama she found a home in Crestone Colorado. Crestone was considered a religious experiment but many saw it as a new-age hippie escape. Kristal still spent a lot of time in Denver where her ex-boyfriend lived with their daughter Akasha. Kristal disappeared in 2016 and after 2 years people are finally starting to investigate. I get it, she disappeared a lot and travelled and like I said, she lived a free life. I probably wouldn't have worried too much about it either with her history. But now Payne and the authorities are questioning what could have really happened to her. I shouldn't say that the Sheriff's office didn't investigate, they did. They were just treating it as a missing person case and now they've decided it's probably more than a runaway situation.

Season 2 was probably less compelling than the original because it is a newer case and so people are still nervous to say if they did know anything. There are still a lot of shady characters and I know who I think did it, but I don't know the whole story and truthfully random murders are harder to solve than those committed by people the victim knows. There is always the chance that someone she didn't even know took her and we'll never know until we find her body somewhere. Tara's murder was solved and we don't even know if Kristal is dead or not! I'm not interested in these kind of unresolved stories. There is another podcast that I listen to that does the same thing called Somebody Knows Something. Out of 5 or 6 seasons, only 1 case has been solved! I know the people are important and they deserve to be talked about, its just frustrating that they can't be solved.


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