Captain Marvel


Guys, I went to the movie theater! It was for my friend's birthday party thing. But it was a great movie! I don't know anything about Brie Larson, so I was hesitant about this movie, but I love Marvel and obviously think that female superheros need way more hollywood play. I don't know why they never showed us Black Widow's back story, I think that would be way more fascinating than 3 Ironman movies. Even Black Widow with Hawkeye, they clearly have a history... But with that finally a female led Marvel movie. And guys! Jude Law is in it! I had no idea!

Any way this movie follows Carol Danvers as she tries to remember her past. It feels like the same story as Peter Quill AKA Starlord. Also she works with the same people that are in Guardians of the Galaxy so that doesn't help either. But I stayed awake for this movie! That right there is a good sign.

Also I totally didn't catch the twist until right before it happened so that is also fantastic. But the best part of this movie is that it takes place in the 90s! With Nick Fury and Phil Coulson! Yes 90s version of Fury and Agent Coulson! It was magical! Also in this movie, Ben Mendelsohn and Annette Benning are also in it to give added star power.


  1. Guys! I just looked it up to see if it was Stan Lee's last movie (It's not) But in my research I found out that there is a Black Widow movie in pre-production (whatever that means)


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