Current TV shows

Guys I only really write about old shows because I feel like I have to finish them to be able to write about them. But I know a lot of people watch the current shows, I do too. I watch more Hulu than anything.

So I'm going to give you a list of all the shows that i'm watching that are still on TV

American Housewife- ABC

A sitcom that follows a (some say overweight some say normal weight) mom of 3 as she tries to live and raise her kids in a normal way while living in an upscale Connecticut Suburb. Her oldest daughter is an aspiring trophy wife, her son is an aspiring billionaire, and the youngest has severe OCD but is also the obvious favorite. Annacat thinks she's a cat but also reads all sorts of nonfiction books on tragic things, for example Pearl Harbor. I started watching a couple months ago but I caught up last week and I'm very upset about it.

This is Us- NBC

I started watching this a few weeks late because it looked weird, but when I watched it around week 5, I watched them all within a week and have since stayed caught up and crying like every other episode. It is so sad but so good at the same time. It follows triplets from the time their parents met to when the triplets are in their 30s. Randall (Sterling K. Brown) is an adopted black man who finds his birth father in the first season. Kate (Chrissy Mets) is a singer who lost her voice when tragedy struck who is constantly trying to find the life she lost in the aftermath of said tragedy. Kevin (Justin Hartley) is an actor who decided he couldn't keep living life as the dancing monkey that his producers had made him into. Mandy Moore and Milo Ventimiglia play their parents in all of their ages. That is right, they have aged Mandy Moore up to play a mother of 30 somethings which is awesome because she is just turning 35 herself...

A Million Little Things- ABC

Still on season 1 but this is my current favorite show! Its like Psych, Grimm, Vampire Diaries, Weeds, Battlestar Gallactica, and Office space all together! Just kidding but it does have stars from all of these shows coming together and showing what really happens when best friends deal with real life together. It has tragedy, it has humor, and it is heartwarming. I thought it was just going to be funny and I was so wrong! It is funny, but in a truly real way. It shows what its like to have to bring humor to kind of crappy situations which are real life.

Brooklyn 99- Previously FOX- Currently NBC

This is the current running comedy if you liked shows like The Office, Parks and Rec, and Community. It follows a police force in New York City and they are brilliant! The story writers are incredible! The first minute of the show is actually my favorite, they always do these bits that are just hilarious. But the entire show was written, produced, and acted perfectly! You have Andy Sandburg, a spunky detective that thinks he's invincible because he's watched enough TV shows and movies to teach him how to be the perfect cop. Terry Crews, a physically perfect sergeant who is trying to control the detectives. Andre Braugher is the very serious, by the book Captain, who doesn't allow anything less than professional in his office (at first.) They are hilarious and they obviously have a whole precinct around them and I literally can't pick my favorite. I love them all. I once took a quiz that told me I was 50% Jake and 50% Charles and I think its perfect.

Grey's Anatomy- ABC

I think I've already written about this and I'm sure one of these years it will end and I will write about it again. I love this show! But after 14 seasons I don't think I could start it now, it just seems so daunting. I love the characters but I miss the original characters!


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