Teachers Pet


An Australian podcast too.

The story happens in the early 80s but the podcast started being researched in 2015. Hedley Thomas is an award-winning Australian journalist, who naturally I've never heard of because I am in America. But he seems like the real deal... But this podcast is very similar to others where they kind of go in chronological order but also talk to different people about what they remember, but the people don't go in order. Sorry, that was confusing but also it makes sense because the stories get confusing... Also this all took place over 30 years ago so there is no proof, just a lot of hearsay.

Lyn Dawson was married to the man of her dreams and had 2 kids. These kids were also hard for her to conceive which means that they were the most important things in her life. She was 33 and had been married for 12 years when she disappeared. Her husband Chris Dawson had a twin and they were creepily close. Both brothers played professional rugby, and were considered hot professional athletes. Meaning they could get women. Lyn was very attractive when she was 21 but allegedly after giving birth a couple times, she was not as youthful and her jerk of a husband decided that he needed someone younger. Chris and his twin were both gym teachers at different high schools and used this "power" to pick up under age girls. It sounds like, both brothers were involved in "consensual sex" and non-consensual ( I put it in quotes because they are under age so it is still considered sexual assault.)

That is the background, but the day Lyn went missing, she had plans to hang out with her mom and her kids at the pool but she never showed and no one has heard from her since, with the exception of Chris who she called randomly but could never talk for long (no one believes this actually happened, he's just trying to make it look like she ran away.) Her husband Chris, also moved his underage mistress into the house mere days after Lyn left! How sick is that!

So my recommendation, this podcast has a fantastic twist, but it is super heavy with not enough real information. It drags a lot, and repeats a lot of information. But the end is worth it! So I would suggest, listening to it a couple episodes at a time. Do not binge because it is slow and you will hate it. But its a crazy and needs to be told.


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