

I'm going to talk about all of the Avengers movie to this point because I'm slowly watching all of the movies in order in honor of Avengers End Game which I will not see until I am ready!

I love Iron Man, RDJ is my favorite Avenger! And the first movie was the perfect way to start this trip into the Marvel Universe.

The Incredible Hulk just isn't a good enough story line to make a full movie with. The movie sucks... but the Hulk is a great dynamic character! I even love Edward Norton and Mark Ruffalo playing him.

Iron Man 2 is our introduction to War Machine/Iron Patriot and Black Widow who are also favorites. It watches Tony come to grips with his own mortality. He kind of goes through a mid-life crisis... Its more dramatic than the first one.

Thor is the most handsome Avenger... He is so pretty! And I love Natalie Portman and Kat Dennings! They really do make the movie. They are so funny, and this was my favorite movie to this point even though the story line is also weak. Also I forgot that Jeremy Renner makes his intro in this one.

Captain America was a top story line in my opinion! There was origin and character development and the story line is still building in the later Captain America shows! I love Agent Carter so much and I can't believe that I couldn't watch her TV show, I'm so mad and now I can't find it anymore.

The Avengers was the best movie at the time, but it has been over shadowed and the movies have progressively gotten better, which is really fun. My favorite thing about all of these Avengers movies is the characters and their relationships with each other. And this movie is the start of it all.


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