Fatal Voyage


This podcast is hosted by Dylan Howard and follows Natalie Wood's life and more specifically her final days. Natalie Wood was a very famous actress. She started acting at 6 years old and then went on to act with James Dean and Warren Beatty and even Christopher Walken! And her sister Lana was a Bond girl... but that doesn't have anything to do with Natalie. She died suddenly at 43 years old! She was currently filming a movie and they had to have Lana stand in for some shots to finish the film. The official story is that she was trying to sleep while on her yacht with her husband, her current movie husband, and the ships captain when she noticed that the safety dingy was bumping the boat and making noise and decided to go move the dingy so that she could sleep and ended up falling in the ocean and drowning. However, she was bruised and drowning was her biggest fear in life so she would never have gone out alone.

This podcast goes over her life and her career so that we get a sense of where she was emotionally at the time of her death. For example, we know that she was on her second marriage with this husband. They had gotten divorced 10 years before getting married again. She left him because she caught him cheating on her. We also know that he was known to be jealous. He admitted to the police that he was jealous of some of her costars.

These guys definitely believe that there is some sort of conspiracy involving her husband (Robert Wagner) and the LAPD whether it was because they didn't believe that he could do something like  that or because they thought he did it but gave him special treatment. Dylan obviously blames Robert Wagner which makes sense, but that is what this podcast is for. He just wants everyone to think it was the husband, which I'm sure it was, but he basically gives no other options. I wish they would have looked into the accidental drowning a little more, if even just to show more impartial. But it is a great story and I think everyone should listen to it.


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