Game of Thrones

TV Show

Obviously one of the biggest pop culture phenomenons ever.  I didn't watch from the beginning because I didn't have HBO and because it was "inappropriate". But everyone around me was watching it, so I started watching with my parents. I even named my new puppy Ghost. Obviously everyone loves the Starks and Jon Snow. But my favorites were always Jora and Samwell. I guess its because I like loyalty and they are loyal to the end. I was never as big of a Daenerys fan as my husband and dad were. I mean, its easy to say now, but there were a lot of signs that she would turn out more like her dad and brother. Sorry, not to give anything away, But the show was amazing until they decided to wrap it up and throw everything in to 4 episodes.

I do like Jon Snow too! I thought he carried the show beautifully until the end. I also love Sansa's character progression. She went from very childish to being right were she was meant to be. Even though a lot of bad things happened, she grew from them and she turned out incredible. Arya was always meant to be the badass that she ended up. It's shocking that Bran made it as far as he did.

The Lannister's where always going to be on top. they are all too prideful to let anyone else be happier than them. That is why the show would always end with the ultimate battle between them and the Targaryens. And it was an epic battle but it could have been way better... I just don't think they wrapped it up right. I think they would have been better if Cersei would have joined the battle with the white walkers, and they wrapped it up there.


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