The Fosters

TV show

This was one of those shows that I always knew I would like it. I like all of the shows on this channel. Freeform is very good at creating drama that you can't turn away from. I watched this show all night some nights. And that is saying a lot because the people make terrible decisions! I mean, I know all shows do whatever they can to make drama but sometimes just turning the other direction is the more natural option.

I really love all the different kinds of characters, although Mariana is my favorite and then Wyatt and AJ and I have no idea what all these guys see in Callie. I mean she's cute and all but I don't like her style and she is always so serious. Oh also Gabe is crazy attractive too. I don't like how the mom's seem like they're all open and communicative but they both make choices without each other all the time and then get mad at each other. It's really dumb because people don't talk about everything together. No body has time for that.

But with that being said, I was obsessed with this show and I can't wait to watch the spin off. And you should watch this if you liked Pretty Little Liars and Secret Life of the American Teenager. Its a mix of both and although I never finished Secret Life, I started but it was at a different time, I couldn't keep up.
I cried through the last 2 episodes because it did that flash forward thing and it was well done. I already miss it and might just have to watch Life Unexpected next because its supposed to be similar.


  1. I also watched the first few episodes of the spin off Good Trouble and it was much older... Like now the characters are older and they club and hook up and stuff. But its pretty good.


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