Into the Blue


Paul Walker and Jessica Alba come together to be in a movie basically about pretty people wearing swimsuits in 2005. Ok there is buried treasure, secret drug lords and government corruption; but that is an after thought basically. Well I think that is what they wanted the movie to be about... but the people just weren't believable as basically pirates. I could totally see Paul and Jess living in the Bahamas on a houseboat and doing what they have to do to support themselves.

There were some unexpected people in this movie but I don't think Josh Brolin was famous yet. Well I guess that isn't really true because he was in The Goonies back in the 80's but as far as I know, he didn't do anything substantial again until 2007 and No Country for Old Men. Almost like Marrying Diane Lane was what made him successful. Tyson Beckford was also in it, but I could barely recognize him for some reason.

I know this is an old movie, and I'd seen it before but I wanted to watch it again and I paid more attention to it this time. It was alright but nothing amazing. Neither of their best work.


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