Avengers Phase 3 Part 1

2016- 2017

Captain America: Civil War was probably my favorite movie to date because there is so many extra people in it. You have most of the actual Avengers minus Thor but then they bring all their new friends and yes it's a battle and they are fighting each other, it's so much fun for everyone to talk to each other and vibe off each other. I love it so much! I do hate all of the government involvement, but we get to meet Spider-man and Black Panther! And Scarlet Witch, Vision, Ant-man, and The Winter Soldier all become Avengers. I think it's a fun movie, even with all the turmoil.

Doctor Strange is Benedict Cumberbatch and Marvel so everyone was obsessed with it. I am not against Benedict, but he's not the ultimate for me. I would watch this movie more it Rachel McAdams was in it more. I love her and I love the villain in this movie. Mads Mikkelson is a bad-ass and such a great actor. The story is literally strange though. In my opinion, the story is incredibly hard to follow, inception style. I don't follow different levels of existence very well.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is not as good as 1 but I like that it shows how Starlord can be a superhero. He is actually part Celestial which makes him superhuman. We do get to see Yondu in his best form too. Plus even though Peter's dad is basically a God, he's still a jerk which is like all of our parents some times. I mean, mine specifically aren't evil like that, but I still have to see them make mistakes. There is also a "will they won't they thing" still going on with Peter and Gamora. I guess we also find out how Nebula and Mantis join the crew and they will be in later movies. Plus these fools are still funny.

Spider-man: Homecoming is my favorite Spider-man to date. I love Tom Holland! He's got the nerd thing plus he's cute and he's nervously funny. It is a little weird that Batman is the villain in this but he played it fantastic. And what about that twist! I never would have guessed. I loved the supporting cast too. Penis Parker has fun friends. Altough, I have a soft spot for high school type drama...

Thor: Ragnarok is the original funny Marvel movie. I thought Guardian's changed the humor of the series and I guess it did, but this movie was a different level. It was like a Coen Brothers movie. It was straight comedy from the beginning with some action scenes thrown in for story. Also Chris and Mark have fantastic surprising chemistry. Also I like that the Valkeri lady is also Chris' new partner in MIB. That's fun.


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