Avengers Phase 3 Part 2


Black Panther was too big of a movie. I didn't see it in the theatre but everyone was obsessed with it and I thought it would have been better. I understood the whole movie, it followed how we thought the storyline should go. I did like the characters. T'Chala was great, his sister was fun, his mom was Angela Bassett. You had Martin Freeman (Bilbo) and Andy Serkis (Gollum). You had Michael B. Jordan looking the biggest he's ever looked and Sterling K. Brown showing his Oakland (where I was born) style and Forrest Whitaker being old and wise. And Lupita and Danai were perfect in their roles. I loved that Michon (Danai's character from Walking dead) had her sword still. The movie was good, great even but not the amazing work of art that people made it seem.

Avengers: Infinity War was a hard Avengers movie to watch because it has a lot of destruction and sadness. But you know me, I watch for the characters. Thor and well Bruce and then go find other new friends! How fun is that. We get to add Dr. Strange and all of the guardians then later we get to add all of the Wakandans including Bucky! I just love ensemble casted movies! Because I like so many actors and I love seeing them together. Apart from all that, it is very important to watch this movie if you are going to watch the epic Endgame.

Ant-man and the Wasp is also not as good as the first one but it does still have all of my favorites (mostly TI) And Randall Park was added to the group and he is an excellent addition. I also like that they talk about Germany so much because I feel like they try to make these stand-alone movies but they shouldn't be! You should know the whole story going into the Avengers. Although since it is based on comic books, I guess you don't need to read every comic to enjoy them. In fact from what I know about comics, it's almost impossible to have read every one of them. But sorry, this is about Antman. My favorite part is his relationship with his daughter! I love her!

Captain Marvel Since I've already written about this movie recently, I'm just going to say that Brie Larson is the perfect Carol Danverse but I don't know that she makes a good superhero. Also baby Fury and baby Colson were really fun. And I am all about the 90s right now and so this movie also brings nostalgia.

Avengers: Endgame I haven't seen it but I'm now stuck to waiting until it comes out on video. But I will write about it then.


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