
Movie- Netflix

This is another Noah Centineo Netflix special, but this one is way better than the last few. He plays a college freshman, so he's able to play it more as the cool guy. And he does play the epic college freshman who is just in school to hook up with girls. He has his posse that are so unattractive that they make him look even better.

The premise of this show is that women are used as sexual property and they need to break those stereotypes instead of living up to them just to get attention. It was not a good movie, Noah was the only kinda known person in the show. It was cheezy and I didn't like it. Although I'm in a British show kind of phase and that doesn't help.

I guess if you use dating apps this show could be funny, but I never met anyone from tinder. I did have tinder but I mostly just talked to everyone on it. I didn't meet and I didn't take it seriously. I regret watching the show though.


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