To Live and Die in LA


Rolling Stone journalist Neil Strauss decided to investigate a missing actress/model Adea Shabani. Adea was 25 when she was last seen driving away from her apartment in her boyfriend's truck. Chris Spots was an aspiring actor too and they had met in an acting class. Unfortunately Chris was engaged to someone else which naturally caused some drama. Adea had moved to LA from Macedonia 2 years before she went missing but she was already starting to make a name for herself.

Neil got involved and started working with the private investigator hired by Adea's family. He was 100% following Payne Lindsey's strategy. The difference is that Neil was super judgmental from the beginning. The story needs to be told, in my opinion, the actual killer is still lose. The case is closed because Chris Spots killed himself over being stopped by cops and they took that as a confession.

Everyone who has listened to this podcast or knows the story knows that Chris and his dad were involved in the whole thing. But the cops haven't done anything about creepy dad's involvement. That is why we need to talk about Adea! But Neil is annoying as hell so don't expect much from him. I also didn't listen to all the bonus episodes because it didn't seem like anything was coming from it.


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