Avengers Endgame


Ok everyone had already been obsessed with this movie and the excitement has definitely died. But in the wake of the Spiderman drama, it hits on another level. I did love this movie though! It is very long and I fell asleep in a few small moments but I still loved it! I woke up for the end and couldn't tear my eyes away!  Obviously it's sad in it's way but I totally get why they did what they did.

For one thing, I'm about sick of Cap's holier than thou attitude and I was ready for Chris to be out of contract. I love Chris Evans and I love Captain America, I'm just getting sick of their tude. It seems that Anthony Mackie (Falcon) may be the new Captain America. Thor was proof that Chris Hemsworth is one of the most talented actors ever! He's not just a pretty face, he's hilarious and can change up his characters. I loved him in this movie. Also rumor has it, Natalie Portman is going to take over as Thor. Robert Downy Jr. is like all time ultimate actors too. It is hard to tell some times because him playing Tony Stark is not really acting, RDJ is Tony Stark. Mark Ruffalo was at an all time high! Hulk was pure Mark instead of playing this quiet nerd type that he's done in all of the other movies. I loved him. Scarlett Johansson played possibly her biggest role this round. We always knew she gave everything for the mission but here we see her still fighting even when everyone else quits. Then giving almost everything to bring everyone back from extinction. It seems that when her solo movie is over, she will be too. Jeremy Renner also played more of a part in this movie than I expected since Hawkeye seemed to retire from the Avengers. Rumor has it, he's training a new Hawkeye for some TV show on Disney+.

I thought that most of these characters would be done after this, including Don Cheadle but it sounds like there may not be a real end for anyone except RDJ. They are adding many new characters, most that I've never heard of which means that they are smaller, lesser known comics. I guess Marvel decided they needed to do something to keep the die-hards around. Also there are more Guardian movies, more Black Panther movies, More Captain Marvel movies and possibly even more Spiderman movies (they just might not be under the MCU.) This is really no where near Endgame.


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