Dream Girls


This movie came to Jennifer Hudson very soon after getting kicked off American Idol. It was probably a better pathway anyway. She played the better singer to Beyoncé. I'm actually very impressed that Bey was fine with JHud playing the better voice... I would have thought she was too diva for that but she did so good.
The movie was another Broadway remake. This was a Broadway musical that was turned into a movie with superstars like Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphey, Danny Glover, John Lithgow, John Krasinski, Jaleel White and of course BeyoncĂ©. In fact, They even had Loretta Devine who played Lorrell in the Broadway show. The musical was loosely based on the Supremes and therefore was all about soul music of the Chicago 60s. Fun fact: in high school I was supposed to perform a lipsync to the title track in the movie but at the last minute we chose to do a part from My Best Friend's Wedding instead. I'm still bitter about the change...
I love the people, the music, the soul, and the drama of this movie! It will forever be one of my favorites. A few weeks ago when I was fresh of the Little Mermaid show at Tuacahn I knew I had to watch this movie! I love it so much and even though not all the music is as timeless as other songs I love Listen, Love You I Do, and And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going the most. They are timeless and they will forever make me happier when I hear them.


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