

I didn't think this was my kind of movie when it came out... But in college I saw it at Tuacahn (I know, I'm obsessed with Tuacahn) and I loved it so much! I started listening to the motion picture soundtrack constantly, well between Disney songs... Eventually I bought the movie and found that it is also a fantastic performance. Another star-studded movie from a Broadway musical... It has Zac Efron, James Marsden, Michelle Pfeiffer, Brittany Snow, Amanda Bynes, Queen Latifa, John Travolta, Christoper Walken, and even Jerry Stiller. The music is so upbeat and the message is really important too. The opening song is Good Morning Baltimore and it talks about rats and garbage and the "flasher that lives down the street." It is all about how the 60s were a time when different kinds of people were becoming accepted.
The story follows high schooler "heavy weight champion" Tracy who breaks down the wall a dance show catered to tiny white kids. Tracy wanted so bad to be a dancer on the show but Amber and her mom (Brittany and Michelle) said she was too big and she associated too much with well Queen Latifa and her family. However Tracy doesn't let the rejection get to her and is very soon noticed by the show's front man Corny Collins (James) and he lets her on the show.
I don't want to give anything away but she plays a pivotal roll in the desegregation of the show and even gets the guy! The show is so much fun and I want to watch it all the time forever!


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