Sex Education

TV show

First season

This is another British show that was so funny and had such great characters. It was naturally funny but actually had some intense, real moments. It follows a high school student who's parents are therapists and they can't be easy to live with. Well they are separated but I still love them both because it is Joe Carroll from The Following and Stella Gibson from The Fall! Those are both super intense characters and so far in this show they are completely the opposite. It's so much fun to see these kind of actors in a totally different rolls.But this show is really about the teenagers! Shy boy starts a business with the hot girl from the wrong side of the tracks. It ends up doing really well and they learn about each other and themselves. It was really funny and sweet and I really liked it and I hope it comes back with more seasons.

Second season

Is even more funny! The characters are bigger and more vibrant and fun. They add a few but most are the same as last season. Maeve is who I wish I could have been when I was her age. This season also has it's own trials though. Maeve's mom comes home even though she's never been able to take care of herself. Otis has a new girlfriend and starts to figure out his sexuality for real. Even Eric develops a couple story lines himself. And Adam and Amy continue the rides their individually on to develop into lovable humans. The first season starts out a little weird and gets better where with the second season I was laughing the whole first episode. This show is genius!


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