Travel-Capitol Reef

I know this isn't what this blog is normally about but I wanted to tell you guys about my camping trip for my brother in law's wedding. Yes that is right, I was camping for a wedding. It was so cold! But it was so pretty too! So there was a group of us at the group campsite the night before the wedding. It was us, the bride and groom and a couple of their bridesmaids and groomsmen. We were supposed to have a giant bonfire as the "rehearsal dinner" with all the people that were invited to the wedding. No one showed up though which seems really unsupportive... But anyway, there was drinking, there was smoking, and there was telling stories. It was very fun but very cold. I think it got down to 12 degrees.
The next morning it was very hard to get up because it was so cold! But we had to because it was the day of the wedding and my husband was in the wedding party. They all got ready together at a BNB in town. I was invited to get ready with them even though I wasn't part of the party but I decided to stay with my husband's sister and her kids since they didn't need to get ready really. I was a nice bonding experience with my niece who is very talkative in certain moments... Usually not to me though. Anyway we went for a walk and everything. I think I made favorite aunt. Then we went to the wedding location. The wedding was at a restaurant in town. It was not a fancy restaurant but it was good food anyway. But this isn't about the food. The wedding was so them! It was rustic chic. It was beautiful in a beige and burlap kind of way. It was simple and they had this very unique musician. He played the pan drum and a rain stick and things like that. It was beautiful and eerie. After the wedding we went hot tubing with Caleb's other sister and her kids. That was fun and good for bonding. We were there way too late though and we ended up staying even later because the bride's brother and his wife came over and we really like them so we stayed and talked to them. We finally made it to the camp site and we were the only ones still camping there except! There were 8 deer just chillin' on the lawn. It was so cool until it was time to get out of the car and then I was scared. I mean there were bucks, babies and mama's! They could all attack me! But we made it to the tent and went to bed.
The next morning was strangely warmer. When I went to the bathroom I was looking around for deer but I didn't see anything until I was on my way back to the tent and there they were about 100 yards from the tent! Two bucks! I was once again terrified! They were so close.
 Anyway after we took our tent down we went and met the family for breakfast. And then we went on a hike with a couple of Caleb's sisters and their families. It was so nice! We did Hickman's Bridge and it was really fun, fairly easy and beautiful! It's less than a mile one way so it probably adds up to 1.75 miles round trip. Maybe less. It was a little steep in some areas but my very young niece and nephew did it no problem.
And the best part is that when we were leaving my cute niece (the talkative one) ran up to me to hung me goodbye! It was the best. Anyway it snowed to and from Capitol Reef but not at Capitol Reef so I consider that a success.


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