This is a weird one but I'm thinking, should I go back to school?

Ever since I got my most recent promotion at work I've been thinking about what I should do next. I'm not ready to move on but I'm the type of person who needs a goal. That's why I had to leave my last job, I didn't feel like there was anywhere to grow. I found my current job and got excited when I saw it had so many positions and employees. I felt that I could stay here forever. However now as I'm here and looking for my next step I'm feeling less confident. The obvious choice is what they call a Lead but they have to deal with the stuff that I as a trainer don't have to. If I have a processor give me crap then I can tell they Lead and they will discipline them. I don't want to have to discipline people like that. I don't know that I'm cut out for it. The other option is to try to skip it and go Supervisor who do the big stuff and the promotions and hiring and scheduling and stuff like that. Then there is try to find an office job but there are a few problems with that. 1 I'm not qualified for a lot of them. 2 The ones I am qualified for are either paid less than I make now or are hard to come by and get snapped up by people who have been here forever and know everyone. I'm fine being patient but I'm going to want a new job by 2022 and I'm nervous. Plus I want a goal to meet like how I got this job. I had been applying for trainer for almost a year before I got it.

So that is where I am now, my options are 1 Lead, 2 wait for a good job that I want to open up and apply and wait to get hired, 3 start looking office administration jobs other places or 4 get a degree and use that to get a job. And my current job will fully pay for me to get a Medical Lab Science degree and 40% reimbursement for any other degrees. Good deal right? So with these debates in my head, I took to the U of  U website to see if there were any programs that interested me. I found a few but then remembered that I want to do it online. So then I went to the Uonline website and looked at what they had to offer. It cut down a lot of my options but I still have a few. Then I looked at ASU online and I wasn't super excited about their website but I asked for information. But with all of this, I keep thinking about the MLS or MLT programs. Weber has a hybrid program that is mostly online but the other parts are at my job which would be pretty convenient and my company works really close with this program so they will work with my schedule. All of this sounds pretty great except what if I hate science! I've never liked science but maybe that is because when I was growing up girls weren't supposed to like science.

Ok after all of this thinking, if I choose to go to school I will either go for Nutrition, Business, or MLS but I still have this weird feeling that there is something out there that is exactly what I want and I just don't know that it's a real job yet. My friend said that's because some guidance counselor told me that in high school.


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