General Podcasts that I'm listening to that I like

Best Case Worst Case

This is a true crime podcast hosted by a former FBI agent (the same one who does Real Crime Profile and Criminal Minds on TV) and a former prosecutor where they bring in friends and guests who talk about their worst or best case or both depending on the timing. It has a really personal feel and I really like it.

The First Degree

This one has crime writer Billy Jenson, a true crime television producer, and their influencer friend and they find people who have ties to murders. These are normal people who at some point in their lives were affected by someone they know either murdering someone or being murdered. So another really personal podcast.

Side Hustle School

This is one that I have been listening to forever but they release an episode every single day so there is no way I will ever catch up. I like it though because it inspires me to do more than just work my full time job. My goal is to have a few side hustles going so that I can always have something going on.

Punch up the Jam

A comedy podcast where every episode they take a song, listen to it, analyze it, and remake it in a usually very strange way. I love music and so I love the analysis of the songs but the punch ups are so funny. The hosts are extra in every way but you get used to them and I've really started to appreciate them.


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