Hobbies - Boxing

So I took a boxing class. I got to hit people! Ok they were wearing those mitts things. But it was also a full workout. I love it so much. I've been to 3 classes but I'm about to go tonight. I am terrible at remembering sequences though. This isn't a long post because I don't have anything else to say but I'm trying to be more active and healthy so I'll put all that in here too. My steps to a happier healthier lifestyle.

Step one daily routine. I wake up at the same time when I have work so that I am never rushed, I have my routine and I don't stray in the mornings. I also have been wearing real makeup again instead of lotion and fake lashes. Then when I get home from work I only watch TV with my husband and I pull a tarot card and study it, google it, Pinterest it, internalize it, and then write about it. This helps me feel more connected to the universe and I also get some journaling in. Then before bed I completely wash my face and floss my teeth and read until 11 when I go to sleep. I also have always had sleeping problems and to counteract that I take CBD gummies and my weighted blanket. On days that I don't work it's harder but I'm trying to find more productive things to do over watching TV like making appointments.

Step two having goals and reasons to enjoy each day. I have the goal to remodel my house by 2021 so I know I need to earn money for that. And since I bought a car this week it's going to be even harder so I need to be more proactive with earning then saving. Boxing is great for this step because every Thursday I have this place to be. Even if sometimes I'm not feeling it (last week I almost skipped) I know if I go, I'll feel better.

Step three is always having food in the house. Specifically healthy food but I'm bad at having any food. I get meal kits so I always have dinner but when I'm here all day, I don't want to cook a full meal for myself. So lunch is what I'm the most worried about. For this step I plan to meal prep so we always have 1 person meals in the house. I have four recipes that I am going to shop for on Friday so on Saturday I can spend all day cooking and then freeze some meals.

Step four is learning. I finally finished my first coding lesson and after I am done writing this today I want to finish my second. I also signed up for a business writing course for next month and I am very excited for it. And I have plans to sign up for a fertility awareness method class when my friend finishes hers and tells me all the juicy details. So far it sounds amazing!

All of these are very difficult for me to stick with so I'm hoping by writing it down and putting it in the world I'll have to stick with it. I really need to focus on self-motivation. Oh I also had my first therapy session yesterday and it was exactly what I needed!


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