In the Dark season 2


The team goes down to Mississippi to investigate a man named Curtis Flowers who was arrested for murdering 4 people in a store in 1996. Curtis has been tried 6 times for the same crime. He has been in prison on death row since 96. The first trial ended in him being sentenced to death by an all white jury. Then there was an appeal based on false statements said by witnesses in the first trial. Then for the second trial he was convicted again but this one was appealed by the Mississippi Supreme Court for inaccurate evidence. The third trial had the same basic things but also brought in racial implications saying that the DA only asked to strike black jury members. The fourth and fifth trials were mistrials. And the sixth saw Curtis convicted again. Since then there have been 2 different supreme court the first resulting in holding that the conviction was ok and the second the court saw racism in 2019. I don't yet know what this will mean for Curtis but he is still waiting for another trial. Bail was set and he is on house arrest as of December 2019 and in January 2020 the DA officially recused himself and asked for the Mississippi AG office to try another time.

That was an overview of the story but this podcast goes into so much depth and it's absolutely fascinating. The reporters uncovered so many things that the prosecution lied about or ignored. This is the kind of story that you wonder what everyone else was doing in this case. They had no substantial evidence and the way this podcast made it sound is that the only evidence they had at all was word of mouth that was constantly getting debunked or denied. I'm sure there was more that they didn't go into in this podcast but the fact that it was tried 6 times and possibly a seventh means that there is evidence. I can't wait to keep finding updates because the story has gone on for so long.

I wasn't impressed with the first season of In the Dark but this season floored me! I think everyone should hear this story.


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