Bear Brook


This is a shorter podcast about the Allenstown murders. A barrel was found in the middle of the Bear Brook woods in the 80s. It turns out there was a decomposed full grown female body and child body in the barrel. They were clearly murdered as the cause of death was blunt trauma and then they were hidden. Upon further investigation they determined that they died at least 4 years before they were found. 15 years later there was another barrel found 500 yards away from the first one. Like stated previously, it was the woods so it wasn't easily visible. There were 2 other little girls in this barrel. One of the girls was found to be related to the other two however the third little girl was not related to the others. It was later determined that the unrelated one usually called the middle child was the daughter of the murderer.
There was no way to identify them when they were found. In fact it wasn't until 2019 that they were identified. In 2017 they identified the killer but he was already dead. They did test his son's DNA and found that the middle girl is the killer's biological daughter. The killer had been caught for another murder in 2002 and died in prison in 2010 but until 2002 we have no idea how many people he killed even between 1978 when these girls could have died and 2002 when he was caught. He clearly wasn't afraid to kill.
This podcast is kind of weird... They focused on, in my opinion dumb stuff, but that could be because I already knew about this case. I am a fan of Billy Jensen and he helped in solving this case. It is a really cool case because it is the first case that was solved using DNA from ancestral DNA websites. After this one was solved they moved onto GSK and used the same website to find Joseph Diangelo. I love that these cold cases can be solved but I didn't like the way this podcast went into it. I was pretty bored. I do like that it's shorter so it only took me a day to listen to it. But I wasn't paying the attention that I could have to it.


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