What's going on?

I have been very distracted recently. It all started with a world wide pandemic. One of my co-workers is Chinese and she has been stressed for months. I honestly thought she was just being weird, but this month it officially entered my life. Also my wedding anniversary is March 16. So the first weekend in March we decided to go down town Salt Lake, get a hotel room and try to really experience our town. So I made reservations for dinner and planned out what to do the rest of the day. I'll go into all of that but first I'll say that I made a later reservation in case my husband worked late. He didn't so we walked down early to dinner and even walked around the block a few times. On one of these trips around the block my husband said it. He said, "well I think we both know something needs to change." To which I said, "in what way do you mean that?" and he replied "I think I need to be alone for a little while." Yep before our first fancy romantic dinner together for our anniversary weekend my husband broke up with me. I was totally in shock after this. I knew he didn't mean it to be harsh but I also knew that it wasn't the first time he'd thought about this... I also totally agreed with what he said. We both knew something needed to change, but we had different opinions on how change worked.
See I had spent the last year of my life making all sorts of changes. Some were very good and others were questionable. We had both made decisions recently but thought we were on the same page with that. It turns out we weren't... I was trying to take a more spiritual outlook on life, I started working on my chakras and my overall energy and health. I was all about crystals and manifestation and even tarot. And my husband, in my opinion, was more focused on hating his past... He blamed our church on everything he didn't like about himself, I agree that religion is not what it seems but I chose to appreciate what it gave me and abandon the rest. I'm not mad, I'm moving on but husband is just getting more and more angry. I was talking about our lives and he was talking about the history of people we've never met. It was annoying... But he had his own mentality and I would let him work things out his way. Now back to our "romantic weekend"
While we were waiting for our table at Caffe Molise, I texted my soul sister and told her and then at dinner we started working out what our lives would look like if we separated. Then we went back to the hotel and had our official "break-up sex" then on Saturday we kept up the confusion. We went to breakfast at this really cute Eva's bakery where we had some really good coffee. Then we went to the Natural History Museum because we had never been there. It was cool but I don't trust paleontology... so I wasn't really into the science. After that we went back to the hotel to nap and enjoy the hot tub for a little while. When it was time for dinner I invited a couple friends to meet us after for drinks. We had another fancy delicious dinner at Eva's but I was starting to get a headache so we walked back to the hotel to get water and drugs. Then we walked over to a bar called Whiskey Street and had some cider's because we go hard... My friend Tom met us there but it was very loud and Lish who was also meeting us, was still an hour out. So we decided to bar hop. We went around this corner to a place called Twist I think... That place wasn't popping yet so we moved on to Quarters, this old school arcade place. That place was too popping, there was nowhere to even stand. So we moved on to Beerhive. It was perfect! The crowd was chill and the menu was big. Caleb found a beer that he liked and I had more Cider but it was local Cider. Anyway we got drunk and closed the bar down. Tom and Lish even walked us back to the hotel before going to find their car. The next morning was rough but eventually we made it home just in time to tell my parents that I was moving in with them... I'll go into more in part 2 on Wednesday. 


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