Buffy the Vampire Slayer Part 1

TV show

Yep this one I am breaking down by season because that is how I'm going to watch it. I have a plan with a co-worker where we will both watch a season on our off week. So I started with Season 1 this week and I loved it. I expected it to be cheap production and lame 90s story line, but it's actually a production. I understand how Sarah Michelle Geller was a leading lady for as long as she was because whatever she was doing worked. I love her cheesy one-liners, I love her style (which is saying a lot because 1990s...), I love her friends, and yes the story lines are weird but in the greatest way. I know this happen before Smallville and Supernatural but it has that kind of story line. Where things follow a series long story line but they handle weird stuff in between.

I'm obviously into the supernatural so this series is right up my alley and apparently not as much for the co-worker I'm supposed to be watching it with... I watched the first season in 2 days and almost went on but chose to wait for my friend. She's 4 episodes in...

Also did not know that the famous Willow was Alyson Hannigan, I just thought she was the American Pie girl but she clearly became beloved as Willow. I love Willow! She is the perfect character. Xander is the typical 90s dude and I hate it but I have to remember at the time that is how teenagers were supposed to be. Cordelia is beautiful and plays the perfect clueless mean girl. And Angel, Angel is hot! I'm in love with him already.

In season 1 they battle this "master" vampire and his legions as they try to open Hellmouth. They thwart each plan but while doing this they also have to battle weird curses and witches and other stuff like that. I mean season 1 was a shorter season so there isn't that much story line to it, just a lot of getting to know the characters but I can't wait to start season 2.


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