Hobbies - Coding

This was very slow going. I even tried to sign in and learn some tricks at work but I took over a month to even finish the first lesson. It got harder than I thought it would. I am 3 lessons in and although I want to keep going I think I've learned that coding might not be for me right now. Maybe with the COVID now I will have plenty of time and motivation to really focus on these skills. I think coding would be a very cool job/hobby but I don't know if I have the capacity to learn a new skill right now. I was very bad in college and I don't know that I learn just to learn. I know I can learn for specific jobs and I have a very good memory but just learning with no end goal is hard.
I'm to a point where I can do what they tell me to at the beginning of the lessons but by the end I'm just like "ok I don't know what you want me to do" and I cheat... It's not the best for me.

My only goals with coding so far is to be able to make my blog prettier and eventually be able to make some side hustle money.  One of my friends is a Graphic Designer and that might be my next thing to try. I'm not very creative though so I don't know if I'll be able to do that either. I just really want to know what I'm going to be when I grow up... Now at 31 I've starting to regret some life decisions that have led me to not have a "career." The other issue is that I get bored doing the same thing for too long. So I guess career isn't what I should be focusing on but that is why I like the idea of side hustles.


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