Little Fires Everywhere

TV Miniseries

Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington playing weird maternal rivals. It's 6 episodes so they are all very intense. It's based off of a book that I have not read and I probably won't read, but wish I had read before. These mom's are both trying their hardest but they do that very different ways. Elana (Reese) is very strict and thinks that life works out as long as you don't make big mistakes. Mia (Kerry) has a very different outlook on life, I see her as the runner that has been running so long she doesn't think she's running. They both have their routines that they've created to support their children however they are very different routines. In fact both mom's see the other as the way they have to live the way they do. Like Elana see's Mia and is like that's why my way is better and Mia does the same thing.

The children were all casted perfectly too. Lexie, Tripp, and Moody all seemed to spend all their time watching TV but they did it together a lot. They definitely had the sibling bond even though they pretended not to. Izzy was always the sad awkward little sister but it turns out that was Elana's fault the whole time. Also there was this weird dynamic where they all went by nicknames but for some reason Elana would not let Izzy go by her nickname. It's so stupid! And Pearl was so smart in a way where she felt she had to be or she would be lost forever. Plus she never had TV or siblings so she read to pass the time. But with her nomad lifestyle, she thought she was much older and mature than she really was. It's a very difficult life I imagine.

I almost relate to Elana's family. Not that my mom was crazy or even strict or anything. But I always knew what was expected of me and that my mom's love for me would change if I didn't live up to those expectations. I guess with that I also relate to Mia's upbringing. Man life is hard no matter what huh.


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