
TV show

This is that typical funny show that they just do crazy things and are high and drunk all the time. Very entertaining but zero substance. They are total idiots so I admit that I haven't finished the show but I can't watch that many at a time because I just start getting annoyed at their over the topness. I can't even think of a specific episode right now because they are so random. Obviously Adam is my favorite but I really liked Anders in the Mindy Project, um this is the first thing that I've seen Blake in. I watched this movie with them in it before I actually watched the show and it was highly entertaining which made me want to watch this show.

The actors are all very good too. Oh Chris Delia is my favorite right now! Ever since I watched Alone Together I just love him and his character in this is super inappropriate but also unfortunately hilarious. Gillian is a fun character too. Ok I lied I can remember episodes now... The ICP episode is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I think the last one I watched is where they steal beer from the brewery and that was kind of funny too. Since I haven't finished I might write more about it but I feel like I've watched enough to say  watch it if you want mindless laughter but don't watch too much of it because I honestly think it will make you dumber. I watch it when I don't know what else to watch but I'm eating dinner so I have to watch something. Yeah I'm that unhealthy kind of person...


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