Adventures in Air Frying


I've had my air fryer for many months. And I first got it with a menu in mind and it was delicious! But then I never touched it again. So when I moved back in with my parents and since I'm stuck at home for 7 days in a row, twice a month I figured it was a good time to hone my skills.

So I made air fryer donuts... Basically I took Pillsbury biscuits and fried them and then put cinnamon sugar on them. They were delicious but kind of heavy. Like Next time I'll probably cut them in half to make them thinner. But I'm practicing so I can try different ways and recipes.

Later that week I made fried zucchini. I cut zucchini into "fries" and dipped them in egg yolk and then in a mixture of parmesan, bread crumbs, and a seasoning that I can't remember off the top of my head (maybe oregano?) Anyway then I fried it for 7 minutes on each side but when I put them in the basket a lot of the breading came off so it wasn't the consistency that I like when I order from restaurants. They still tasted good though. I ended up eating them all which wasn't my plan. I was planning on saving half...

For this next week I'm going to make beignets and baked potatoes and maybe fried mushrooms.


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