Good Boys


Ok this movie is actually really funny. I can't picture any 12 year olds acting like that but I was also in a pretty conservative area so maybe I don't know. But I loved the personalities of these kids. Max is the cutest! He ha great eyes too. Thor loves to sing and I love that so much for that age. Lucas is also a sweetheart but more of the nerd type. They are best friends and have been since kindergarten but now they're in sixth grade so things are about to change forever. There is also this group of "cool kids" that they want so much to be part of for various reasons...
I tell you, the humor in this shouldn't be funny but it really is. They are so inappropriate but in a super cute innocent way. Like they are 12 year olds that get wrapped up in older things but they treat everything like anyone their age would. Gol they are just so cute! There is a part where they connect with these high school girls and that part doesn't really make sense but it's still in a way exactly how it would be.
The point is, it's very vulgar but so freaking funny!


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