Sweet Magnolias

TV show

JoAnna Garcia Swisher is amazing and I've always loved her. Chris Klein was a big deal for a minute in the American Pie teenage movie phase of the late 90s early 2000s. Jamie Lynn Spears was Zoey 101 and I loved that show as a teen. And remember Jamie's best friend from One Tree Hill? Chuck? Yeah he's in this and plays like a little nerdy almost adult. He's so cute now! This is the story of a typical small town mom who's husband leaves her for a young underling and the gossip and drama that comes from it. Serenity South Carolina is as small as it gets and 3 best friends handle the world together. Maddie, Dana Sue, and Helen were best friends from childhood and even though they went their own ways for a while they are back to help their town. They have kids and enemies and ex's and like I said, drama.

This was hard to watch during a few episodes seeing as it has to do with divorce and stuff but it was still cute most of the time. I have a friend that wants to start a margarita night like they have and I would be so down for it. I want to have a night every week where I just know what I'm going to do and we have fun and talk and shoot the shit. I like the dynamic the girls have with the whole town. It has the same feeling of Stars Hollow and Bluebell and those really small towns that I always wished I could live in, with that built in support system. The drama gets very sad especially at the end. It makes me very happy that I don't have kids while I'm going through my divorce. I also don't have to worry about infidelity although in a way that might have been easier... At least that would be a reason because it's very difficult when there isn't a clear cut reason...


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