Virgin River

TV show

This was very similar to Hart of Dixie, a big city girl moves to a very small town to help the small town family doctor. In fact, it's even the same doctor... Tim Matheson. But this one is a very sad Alexandria Breckenridge meeting up with Martin Henderson after his brief stint as Meredith's boyfriend on Grey's Anatomy and a whole bunch of other sad things happen. This is a heavy show! I cried almost every episode. But it is helpful to see that people can get through things and still be happy. It has a lot of flashbacks from a few different people because a lot of people have issues. Turns out everyone is going through something...
I really liked this show even though it too was hard to watch.. It showed everyone's stories but they didn't tell each other their stories. It seemed so real. Most people don't know everything about their neighbors. And unlike most small towns Virgin River wasn't only locals or people who had grown up there. There were a lot of marines that came after the war and most of the girls were unknowns and even Doc was from Seattle originally. Although there really aren't that many characters featured... It seems like a town that is dying... The only people that live there are old or trying to escape other lives.


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