Camping - Dinosaur National Monument

This was an event. I'm just going to tell you what led up to this adventure.

My good friend Tom told me he was planning a trip camping in Dinosaur CO. Upon hearing this I looked at him just right until he invited me. However this was happening less than a week from when I said I would go. So I had very little time to plan, also I work 8 days in a row and this was happening on my first day off. And I had 2 appointments already scheduled for that day so we had to wait and go after. Also I worked 8 hours overtime in those 8 days. 88 hours in 8 days...
Ok so let's skip ahead to the actual day of the trip now. I wake up on Wednesday at 9:30 so I could do my video therapy appointment. That lasted until 11 then I had to go grocery shopping and shower and pack up my car for camping. Then I went to my wax appointment which luckily went very quickly and I had time to grab food and gas and take my time getting to Tom's. Then we drove the 3 hours our to Dinosaur. We got there a little after 7, set up camp, ate dinner, and let the fire burn out before we went to bed after 11. Then we woke up at 4 with the hopes of catching cool sunrise pictures at the end of the trail... It was light before we had even broken up camp. I guess that's what we get for trying to race the sun on one of the longest days of the year... But we carried on! We started on the trail about 6 and it was about 2 hours to the ridge where we sat and took pictures. We were there for kind of a while because Tom was trying and failing to get time lapse images. I just ate and drank an energy drink and then texted... Don't worry. I texted around the beauty! I didn't just stare at my phone... But I did text and send a few pictures to people. Then we started back to the car and that seemed to take longer but we still made it back before 11 am. Then we drove back through town and stopped in Vernal for lunch on our way to Uinta Mountains. Luckily we got there about 3 and got camp set up pretty easily and took a nap. Then when we woke up we got the fire started and made dinner and we just chilled. It was strangely relaxing... And those are the moments that make me want to camp more. Anyway we went to be a little later and I even completely abandoned Tom to take care of the fire... Then we woke up much later, around 9 to hike to Granddaddy Lake.
This was much harder than I expected it to be. I was so tired even before starting the trail. I kept thinking there had to be something else I could do to give me energy but I had drank tea and then just before starting I drank a cold coffee drink so I was thinking those would kick in but it didn't seem to... Then when we stopped for lunch I had those Powerbar gummies that are suppose to give you energy. That helped for a minute but I was just so tired I kept tripping over rocks. Then luckily Tom drove home because I probably would have driven bad... But we made it back at 7. So basically we did all of this in 50 hours... I still haven't really recovered. But work should be more chill this week with the holiday so I think I'll be fine.


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