R n R in St. George Utah


So I ended up manipulating my schedule to cover someone at work so I had 3 days off when I would normally be working which also means that all my friends were working. So I decided last minute to drive down to St. George to visit my grandma. I hadn't seen her in almost a year because I like to visit in the spring but that was COVID shut down season so I didn't feel comfortable. I was still super hesitant to go now but my aunt and her family spend every other week there so I figured it wasn't me killing my grandma. So I made the plan to be there for 3 days and just read and relax and do a lot of this at the pool. So I decided to go straight from work on Monday night. I left at around 7 so I would get there around 11. Then almost half way I got stuck in traffic for an hour and a half. It turns out there was an accident that took up both sides of the freeway. We were completely shut down. Luckily I was able to listen to podcasts and even play some games on my phone. And then we were off, I didn't have to stop again so I got there about 12:30.
I didn't have any sort of plans on Tuesday so I slept until I woke up (you know what I mean.) And woke up to my grandma asking what kind of pizza I wanted for lunch. The pizza wasn't bad either and then after I decided to read a little. I didn't want to go to the pool yet because I was trying to avoid getting burnt... So I sat in the 100 degree shade... And then I still couldn't concentrate so eventually I just started listening to podcasts and playing games on my phone. Then I made a drink run before dinner (don't tell grandma.) And I spent an hour or 2 at the pool after dinner.
Then on Wednesday I was done pretending that I didn't need the pool in my life. I mean, I have a private pool! I need to take advantage of it! So I got all sunscreened up and dressed in my bikini and went to the pool with my drinks and cookies. I had the set up! I was listening to these 20 minute podcasts so I would flip every episode. It was super convenient. Then I went back home and did a short workout before I made dinner and went back to the pool for another hour and a half. I got to play pickleball! I miss pickleball, I have this friend from a long time ago that I knew played a lot so I messaged him and asked and sure enough they have a standing pickleball time. So I hopped on in and we played for a couple of hours but I was terrible! In my defense I hadn't played for almost a year... Anyway when the lights turned off at 10:30 we packed up but I stayed and caught up with my friend. Unfortunately we were there til almost 3 am. Just talking... I swear! This really backfired though because that meant I didn't wake up early.
So Thursday I slept way too late and then woke up just in time to eat some breakfast cheesecake and go to the pool for a couple of hours. Then I went back to my grandma's house, showered and packed up to home. I was home before 10 but I could not sleep! I fell asleep around 12 but woke up at 2 and did not get back to sleep at all. I then had to work the next morning and that is how I started my work week. Yay!


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